UAE Visa: Minimum Bank Statement Condition Imposed on Pakistanis


The number of Pakistanis facing difficulties while traveling from Lahore to Dubai is increasing, as the rejection rate for UAE visas reportedly stands at 99%. Despite stringent conditions set by the UAE government, there has been a significant decline in approved visa applications. To obtain visit visas, Pakistani applicants are now required to provide a bank statement demonstrating one million PKR funds, along with confirmed return tickets and hotel reservations.

Consequently, resulting causing severe financial losses for those affected individuals who have their hopes pinned on travelling. Each rejection can cost between 1,500-2،000 dirhams per person applicant ,and this amount doesn’t even include non-refundable fees paid towards Visa application process or hotel bookings which add further burden.

approximately 2,000 visa applications are submitted daily from Lahore alone.

Sadiq Sabir, an Executive Board Member of the Travel Agents Association of Pakistan (TAAP), revealed that approximately 2,000 visa applications are submitted daily from Lahore alone. However, due to security concerns cited by authorities in the UAE embassy or consulate offices responsible for processing these applications, nearly all (99%) of them end up being rejected.

Rejection ratio of UAE visas for Pakistanis

In light of these challenges faced by Pakistani citizens seeking travel opportunities within United Arab Emirates , Sadiq Sabir urged Ministry Foreign Affairs department officials belonging to Government Of Islamic Republic Of Pakistan country’s foreign affairs ministry, to intervene urgently address this issue and work towards finding solutions resolving it promptly so as ease hardships experienced during such processes encountered when attempting getting permission granted allowing entry into countries like The United Arab Emirates(UAE).

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