Pakistan’s Cutting-Edge AI Policy Set to Revolutionize the Nation

The National Assembly Standing Committee on IT and Telecom received an update on Tuesday regarding the progress of Pakistan’s pilot Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy. The committee meeting highlighted Chairman Syed Aminul Haq’s dissatisfaction with the unnecessary delay in finalizing the Data Protection Bill.
During discussions, officials from the Ministry of Information Technology assured members that they are actively engaging with various stakeholders to seek their input. They also confirmed that efforts are underway to expedite work towards completing and implementing this crucial bill by the end of this month.
Chairman Syed Aminul Haq expressed his concerns about delays in finalizing the Data Protection Bill during a recent session of The National Assembly Standing Committee on IT and Telecom. Officials from Pakistan’s Ministry of Information Technology provided reassurances at this meeting, stating that consultations with different stakeholders were ongoing to gather comprehensive feedback for expediting further action.
With these updates shared within one paragraph instead two separate ones, we have reduced wordiness while maintaining clarity and readability.

Discussions on the utilization of funds from the Public Sector Development Program (PSDP) for 2024-25 by the Ministry of Information Technology were held. Reports indicate that a budget allocation of Rs. 24 billion has been assigned to both ongoing and new development projects.
To expand coverage in 28 additional locations, the Special Communications Organization (SCO) is actively implementing a mobile service expansion project worth Rs. 780 million.
Officials provided an update stating that over Rs.23 billion has been allocated towards various development initiatives during this fiscal year; however, only Rs.2 billion have been utilized so far.To support upcoming projects including six under SCO, seven under Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB), as well as hybrid power solutions,the IT Ministry will require more thanRs .43billionin thenextfiscalyear
In order to facilitate progress ona hybrid powerproject aimed at Azad Jammu and Kashmiras well asGilgit Baltistan,a sumofRs870millionhasbeenallocated.However,Rs500millionwill be requiredinfiscalyeartwenty-six( FY26).
The committee also discussed Pakistan’s potential in the growing semiconductor industry and its prospects for earning revenue. It was emphasized by officials regardingthepossibilityforgovernment-to-government agreements.

IT Parks
Concerns have been raised about the unutilized amount of Rs. 6 billion allocated for the Karachi IT Park, which remains in the design phase without any progress. Officials from the Ministry of Information Technology disclosed that they are now requesting to transfer these funds towards Islamabad IT Park instead.
The matter regarding Quetta IT Park was also discussed during this session. It was revealed by officials that although there is a proposal and suggestions from the federal government to provide land for this project, progress has come to a halt after three years of discussions. To overcome this hurdle, The Ministry of Information Technology plans on seeking budget allocation specifically for Quetta IT Park during next fiscal year.